Originally included in the Oxfordshire Conservation Target Areas as Blewbury Downs South East and encompassing the Berkshire Downs area to the south east of Blewbury as far as Streatley. The area has been extended south towards Basildon to include further areas of steep chalk slopes in order to form a sensible boundary with the contiguous Yattendon and Basildon Woodlands target area.

The total area of the BOA is 2610ha, of which 104ha are Sites of Special Scientfic Interest (SSSI) and 243ha are Local Wildlife Sites.

Click here for the area map.

Joint Character Area: Berkshire and Marlborough Downs

Geology: Chalk

Topography: Steep banks on the Berkshire Downs escarpment and dry valleys that cut into the escarpment.



Chalk Grassland: Extensive areas along banks throughout the area. Some restoration work has also taken place.

Lowland Mixed Deciduous Woodland and Beech Woodland: One large site in Oxfordshire with both types of woodland. There is also woodland at Streatley and some plantations.

Species: Stone Curlew target area. An important area for butterflies. An important area for arable wildflowers.

Access: The area is crossed by the Ridgeway and other byways and bridleways. It includes the National Trust land at Streatley.

Targets and opportunities: Chalk grassland management and restoration. Management of arable land for farmland birds and arable wildflowers. Woodland management.

If you would like to get involved with projects in this BOA please contact us for current opportunities.