In 2011 the Government released a Natural Environment White Paper. This paper explains how we can safeguard the natural areas that we all cherish and from which we derive vital services. A clear message of the White Paper is the need to work in a joined up, strategic way to help manage the natural environment. One way of achieving this is via Local Nature Partnerships, which can help the local area to manage the natural environment, and to embed its value in local decisions.
The Berkshire Nature Conservation Forum, which had been active in Berkshire for many years, initiated the formation of the Berkshire Local Nature Partnership. Many groups and organisations were consulted during the development of the Partnership, and an application to the Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (Defra) was successful, giving official status to the Berkshire Local Nature Partnership in 2012.
The Berkshire Local Nature Partnership held its first meeting in November 2012, and since then has developed a governance structure, constitution including specific objectives and an initial work plan.